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Hibiscus Plant - Shoots: Yellow

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Hibiscus - Starter Shoots
Exact color/shade may vary
You get 1 hibiscus cutting (unrooted) in the color of your choice.
Each shoot approximately 3 inches in length.
Wonderful ornamental plants. Exotic plant, suitable for indoor or outdoor growth.
Start or add to your own Hawaiian tropical garden.
Excellent gift for housewarming, family, friends, coworkers or keep for yourself
Authentically Hawaiian, our hibiscus cuttings are 100% grown and packagedat the Kanoa Hawaii nursery facilities 
on the Big Island of Hawaii. Nearly 40 years in business!
*Orders which contain Plants are considered perishable and must be shipped EXPEDITED. 

**Note: Inspected and approved for shipments within the U.S. only.
Special restriction: Not allowed into the State of Arizona.

Exact color/shade may vary.

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