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Ginger Plant - Shoots: White

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SKU: 77587
White Ginger - Starter Shoots
Each package contains one (1) rhizome segment, approximately one ounce in weight.
Fast growing! It’s not uncommon for the rhizomes to sprout while in the package

This perennial can get up to 6 feet tall when mature. When it blooms, you’ll be rewarded with flowers with a delicate fragrance that’s out of this world!

Authentically 100% Hawaiian. Propagated and grown in Hawaii and packaged at the Kanoa Hawaii nursery facilities on the Big Island of Hawaii. Kanoa Hawaii has been doing this for nearly 40 years. 

*Orders which contain Plants are considered perishable and must be shipped EXPEDITED.

**Note: Inspected and approved for shipments within the U.S. only.
Special restriction: Not allowed into the State of Arizona.

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