The Legacy of ABC Stores
The year 2024 will mark the 60th anniversary that the Kosasa family has owned and operated ABC Stores, one of the biggest companies in Hawai‘i...
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ABC Stores – A Family Business Thrives
Sidney and Minnie Kosasa opened the first ABC Store in 1964 at the corner of Kalakaua Ave and Beachwalk just in time for the tourist boom.
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How ABC Stores Became Hawaii’s Ubiquitous Chain
Paul’s parents, Sidney and Minnie Kosasa, opened Waikiki’s first ABC Store in 1964, but the journey started with his grandparents, who immigrated to Hawaii from Japan to work on the sugar plantations and then settled in the Honolulu neighborhood of Kaimuki, near Diamond Head.
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Paul Kosasa Featured on Hawaii News Now's "Inspire You & Me"
CEO Paul Kosasa talks about ABC Stores' past & present, as well as legacy, and prospects for the future.

Ariyoshi's Summer Vacation 2023"
Last July, the Japanese TV hit, "Ariyoshi's Summer Vacation 2023", made its way to our very own Store #38 for some on-screen action. This particular episode was broadcasted to the public on September 2nd.