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Beachcomber Budd's Pure Coconut Oil 8oz

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SKU: 78290

Beachcomber Budd's Pure Coconut Oil 8oz

Pure Coconut Oil has been used for centuries by ancient Polynesians for overall body care and health. The protein-enriched properties of coconut oil are especially beneficial promoting healthy skin regeneration and hair hydration.

• Moisturize extremely dry hands and feet
• Hydrate frizzy and damaged hair
• Naturally remove makeup
• Treat and repair sun-damaged skin
• Comfort and repair chapped lips
• Massage away muscle aches
• Exfoliate skin when used with sea salts
• Helps protect skin from microbial infections
• Naturally promotes healthy tanning

Coconut oil solidifies when cooled. Allow to liquefy at room temperature before use.

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