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Mochi-Celeste Stickers - I was in Hawaii, You Weren't

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Mochi-Celeste Stickers - I was in Hawaii, You Weren't
This was designed exclusively for ABC Stores by Yuriko J. Design
If you've been to Hawaii, then you know that ABC Stores has All Blocks Covered! 
Commemorate your trip with this exclusive sticker featuring your favorite Cat ~ Mochi-Celeste 
Durable, Thick, UV resistant & Waterproof High Quality Sticker!
Perfect for water bottles etc!
Size 3" x 2.89".
“Mochi-Celeste” is based on the internationally famous bookstore cat “Celeste the Cat Boss” at Talk Story Bookstore in Hanapepe, Kauai, Hawaii.
Looking like a big ball of mochi, she spends most days sitting in her basket, glaring at anyone who came into the store. Nonetheless, she was ranked one of the “Top 10 Bookstore Cats in the World”.
Drawn by one of her servants, “Mochi-Celeste” shares her cat-titude & judging looks for all hoomans to endure.


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