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All ABC Stores are following current CDC and Hawaii DOH guidelines.

  • Masks have been made optional for all employees, but are encouraged to be worn for those who are immunocompromised or have underlying medical conditions.
  • Sanitation stations are available at the entrance and throughout the stores.
  • Employees are to self-isolate and stay out from work if they show COVID related symptoms until they are feeling better and take a COVID test.
  • If an Employee does test positive, they are required to self-isolate for at least five days. They will be permitted to return to work after the fifth day with a negative COVID test and if their symptoms are improving.
  • Employees whom may have come in close contact with a person that tests positive for COVID are instructed to wear a mask until they have taken a COVID test after the fifth day of exposure and until they receive a negative result.


Hawaii State Department of Health: Isolation and Exposure Guidelines (PDF)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Isolation and Precautions for People with COVID-19


Updated 08/17/2022

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